
  • Laser de-capsulation equipment

    By using a high-power laser to ablate the plastic encapsulant material away from a device. By vaporizing the encapsulant material instead of dissolving it, the risk of accidentally destroying or washing away a defect with decapsulation chemicals is eliminated.

  • X-Ray

    X-ray diffraction imaging detects crystalline defects, such as cracks, slip, dislocations, and micropipes on single-crystal substrates.

  • Semiconductor curve tracer

    Capable to perform on IGBT, MOSFET, Transistor, Diodes .,etc., with the max voltage on 3000 voltages, max current on 1000A. And also available for leakage mode.

  • Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

    SEM is an available high magnification tool to analyze the design, construction, or handling defects. It can be used to check the interconnect metallization on the integrated circuit: metal step coverage, etc., or for performing an in-depth technology study: reverse engineering, die cross-sectioning, failure analysis, etc.

  • Scanning Acoustic Tomography (SAT)

    SAT is for analyzing materials based on the theory of sound wave reflecting, absorb in a different way for different material, detect flaws in device molding including de-lamination, cracks, voids, and bonding status at various locations in devices non-destructively.

  • Ion Milling

    Use an ion beam to remove material from a sample’s surface and cross-section gently. Typical applications include critical cross-section analysis of semiconductor and electronic components such as Via’s, Solder Joints, layer bonding, and de-lamination inspection.

  • CLSM (Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy)

    The combination of the depth-discriminating ability of confocal microscopy and digital image processing gives rise to fast and easy-to-use 3-D microscopy. Such a technique can be used for material characterization, extract statistical micro-geometric information, evaluate surface roughness, to analyze the thickness of thin transparent coatings, and many other applications.